Assign external tasks

Within the MoveDashboard, a user can create files. Within a file, you will have tasks. In many cases, a company may need to get assistance from another company. For this scenario, Move4U has enabled External Tasks.

How to create an external task?

Go to Moves, find the file you need to share, go to Tasks and create a new task. Now, when creating this new task, select External YES. This will display a new set of drop-downs.

  • Commission to - This dropdown will show you a list of companies that can work with you. If you do not see a company in this section, reach out to to enable this setting for you.
  • External Planner - This dropdown will show you coordinators/planners/dispatchers within this company.
  • Surveyor/Crew - This dropdown displays the list of users (surveyors or packers) within this company.

You can give the task to either the planner or the surveyor, not both.

If given to a planner, the planner will have later the option to assign the task to one of the surveyors or packers.

If given to a surveyor/crew, the task will go directly to their app.

How to view tasks assigned to my company and how to assign them to a surveyor/packer?

As the company receiving the task, you'll need to go External tasks. There you will see a complete list of all tasks shared with your company. You can also follow these steps: Within the MoveDashboard, go to ProApps > External Tasks > Incoming

If the task was assigned to a coordinator, the task will show a checkmark on the right side.

If the task was assigned directly to a surveyor/coordinator, the task will be automatically accepted and sent to the surveyors/crew's device.


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