Assign SurveyPro/CrewPro licenses

Move4U will provide you with the number of licenses specified in your contract. It is up to the Company Admin to assign the licenses within the organization. You can also contact us and we will help you to assign your licenses.

Go to Settings > Solutions > ProApps in the left bar. 

Here you will find the settings of the ProApps, this covers SurveyPro, CrewPro and other user features such as Video Surveyors, Planners & Admin. 

  1. On this page, select Users. Here you have an overview of all active/inactive users and applications/features assigned to them. On this overview you will see both ProApp users & MoveDashboard users. MoveDashboard users are people in your company who have access the MoveDashboard, ProApp users are those who only have a SurveyPro or CrewPro License with no access to the MoveDashboard.
  2. On the user page, select Add new user to create a ProApp user. This user will not have MoveDashboard access.
  3. The user form only requires a first name, last name and email address in order to move forward. Other details such as Street, Postcode or City are not mandatory to move forward. Once you have filled in the details, click on Save. Please note, you can create an 'alias email' for the purposes of Crew/License rotation- such as If you use a real email, the they will get notified upon task assignment.
  4. After saving, the new user should be displayed on the page. Go to Roles.
  5. On the role page, tick the boxes that you wish to apply. In this case, we will give this demo account access to SurveyPro and CrewPro (only packing features). Once you have assigned the access, click on Update
  6. Go to Settings > Solutions > ProApps. Head to the license tab to see the codes.