How can I create a room template?

SurveyPro can help you become a faster surveyor with room templates. Depending on the types of moves you handle, you may be selecting the same items in the same rooms for multiple moves.

Most bedroom moves can include a bed, clothes and a wardrobe. You can create a template with those items in MoveDashboard. These templates will be suggested to you when using SurveyPro. Think of it as "Most selected items".

How to set up these rooms?
Go to MoveDashboardOn the left side you'll see the Company Settings. Click there and select Room templates.

Room template definitions

  1. Type of inventory refers to the inventory list from which you are selecting items for this template. If you want to create a template based on ISO items, you will have to select it here.
  2. Preset name is an available option in case you wish to give this template a particular name. If you leave this space blank, this template will always replace the room you have selected.
  3. Room template gives you the default rooms names. Here is where you select what type of room this is going to be.

Example: I am making a bedroom template, so I leave the preset name empty and select room template "Bedroom". The system will use the preset every time you select a "Bedroom" in SurveyPro. If I would have named this template "M4U bedroom", then the system would show the default "Bedroom" and a newly added "M4U bedroom".

Once the settings are established. You can type the item name and the box name. Add the quantity for each item and then click on the Green + icon. After you have added all the items and boxes you needed, click Save. This room template will now be available in SurveyPro.