Customize your packing screens and only see the fields that are required for your companies packing process.
Open the SurveyPro or CrewPro app and click on the menu option in the left top corner, open settings and scroll down to the "customize screens" section of the settings. Click on the pen icon of the screen you want to customize.
Now you are in the default settings of the packing screens. Here you can choose the fields that you want to see in your app and the fields that you do not want to see by simply ticking or unticking the fields.
Customizable Screen Options
SurveyPro App: Item Screen
CrewPro App: Inventory/Pack Screen, Pieces Screen, Item Screen, Container Screen
1. Default settings: All boxes are ticked. 2. Customize your inventory/pack screen by unticking the boxes you do not need for your packing process.
3. The unticked boxes in the default 4. Now your inventory/pack screen
settings will no longer appear on your only shows the fields that are required inventory/pack screen. for your companies packing process.
Customized screens can be setup on a user level or on a company level. Contact your support team if you want more information on company default settings.