Receiving external tasks

You can find all tasks shared by another party through the link below

You should have a table similar to this one.

You can use the search bar on the top right corner of the table if you can’t find a file. You can type the company name,  transferee's first name, last name, or reference number.


Once you’ve found the file you needed, click on the checkmark icon. This will open the task page, here is where you can decide who within your team will carry the task.

You may receive may share a survey, packing, or delivery task.



  • Survey tasks can be assigned only to SurveyPro licenses.
  • Packing and delivery tasks can be assigned only to CrewPro licenses.

The screen looks as below:

  1. This indicates the type of task
  2. Click here to select a surveyor or crew leader
  3. Click here to select the date and time (optional)
  4. Type here any comments that you want the surveyor or crew leader to see in the app. The text written here display only in the app and not in the documents.
  5. Once you’ve added all the info, click on the Update button to save the information and push it to the surveyor/crew leader device.

Right above this table, you’ll have the option to view the file in its entirety, click on Edit move. Doing this will load the file, you can navigate and view the transferee contact info, addresses, allowances, inventory, documents, photos, and videos.