What is the ISO inventory list?

Move4U's ProApps (SurveyPro and CrewPro) offers the user the option to choose between the Move4U Master List and the ISO list. You will be able to find furniture, items, and boxes in both lists.

Move4U Inventory List

In the Move4U list, you will find furniture, items, and boxes named by us, Move4U. In the Move4U list, a user is also able to add new items per task. If you don't find an item in the list, you can add a new item, with any name and volume you want.

ISO Inventory List

In the ISO list, you will find furniture, items, and boxes named by the ISO, following guideline 17451-1.

In the ISO list, users are limited to add new items to the list. The ISO list's goal is to set a standard within the Moving Industry. This is something Move4U can't change. The packing materials, the items, furniture, box names, all are set by the ISO.

If you are not satisfied with these 2 lists, you can always reach out to support@move4u.com and request to implement your own master/custom list. You can set your preferred names and volumes and this list can be set as default for your moves.