What happens when I finalize a task?

When you finalize a task in the SurveyPro or CrewPro some things may happen:

  • If you added a recipient email address in the Email Summary section, the app will send this email address a task summary document (with or without volume). 
  • The file will disappear from the App Dashboard. Finished tasks can be found in the Previous Tasks section. The numbers represent the weeks, select how long ago you finished it and the system will show you the name and number of the move file. Or you can use the search on file number or clients name. ProApps users are not allowed to edit more information regarding this move. If the client has forgotten some details or anything must be changed, this can be done through the MoveDashboard.

Why is the ProApps user limited to do this? To avoid the user from deleting anything by mistake. This is one of the most common issues we have seen. Once the task is finished, the information can only be changed using a computer. This way we create a wall for the user, so users think twice about changing or deleting information by mistake.

Once the survey/packing/ is finished, the MoveDashboard creates documents automatically. If you change any detail, like address, item, etc. you will have to request the system to create a new file for you. You can find more information about documents here.